Mathew 24 – Part 50 – False Prophets from Within the Body

The false prophets that Jesus said would arrive (Mathew 24:24) came from within both Judaism and the body of Christ in the first century. And their message was the same…. “Israel will be redeemed, and Kingdom established without the “end” of Judaism and the Old Covenant age”. In other words, these unbelieving Jews and apostate Christians were teaching that the temple and Judaism did not need to be destroyed in order for the Kingdom of God to be established. Ironically, the message of these false prophets has much in common with the pre-millennial message of today, which teaches that the temple and Judaism must be rebuilt and restored in order for the Kingdom of Israel to be established. Much like the great commission and the ensuing great tribulation, the false message of these false prophets was was historically and contextually limited to the “end of the age”, and the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom in AD70.

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