Matthew 16:27-28 #28 The Marriage Supper of the Lamb in AD70

In today’s video we demonstrate that the second coming of Christ for the marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19) was the coming of King for the wedding (Mathew 22) and the Parousia of Christ for the judgment of Jerusalem in AD70 (Mathew 23-25). Therefore, the marriage supper of the Lamb at the second coming of Christ must have been fulfilled at the judgment of Jerusalem in AD70. But notice what this means…. The second coming of Christ for the wedding in AD70 fulfilled the coming of the Lord for the wedding in Isaiah 62. But remember, the coming of the Lord for the wedding in Isaiah 62 was the source for the coming of the Son of Man in glory in Mathew 16:27-28. Therefore, the coming of the Son of Man in Mathew 16:27-28 fulfilled the second coming of Christ for the marriage supper of the Lamb, and must have been accomplished in the lifetime of the first century generation just like Jesus promised.

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