
The Transition Between Two Covenants


As a young man, the fellowship in which I was raised taught as a basic, undeniable (and unchallengeable) doctrine, that the Law of Moses was nailed to the cross. God was supposedly through with Old Covenant Israel at the cross. I believed and taught that idea. The idea of a transitional period of time for the changing of the covenants was a foreign idea.

As a result of that early “training” I foolishly believed that one could understand eschatology independently of an understanding of the end of the Old Covenant (the law of Moses) and the full arrival of the New Covenant of Christ.

Thankfully, in the ensuing years, with more study and more careful consideration, I came to realize how badly mistaken I had been in those younger days. I well remember the shock, I can almost call it the trauma, of discovering how important covenantal transition was and is to the eschatological narrative. I came to realize that the transition of the covenants was and is inseparably tied to, and even to be identified with, resurrection!

The transition from the Mosaic Covenant, that Paul called “The ministration of death” to the New Covenant of Christ is, in fact, fundamental and critical for a proper understanding of the doctrine of last days, the coming of the Lord, the judgment and the resurrection.

What I would have given in those younger years to have a resource like what you hold in your hands! The simplicity, the compelling logic, the careful exegetic argumentation that Dan Dery presents in this work would have saved me a lot of struggle, a lot of time!

If you have thought- as I did – that God was through with the Old Covenant at the Cross, I urge you to read this book carefully with Bible in hand. You will be amazed at how clear, how powerful, how convincing and compelling Dery’s careful exegesis is! If you have questions about when the Old Covenant passed away, this book will provide the solid, Biblical answers.

Some of the topics developed by Dery are: The Inheritance Through Covenant Transition, The Kingdom through Covenant Transition, and Restoring the Image of God Through Covenant Transition. These three chapters are my favorites. I think they will become your’s as well.

I am persuaded that after reading this short book that you will agree with me, that it is a “must read” for understanding the Transition of the Two Covenant – and for understanding the Biblical story of eschatology. It is simply a good book!

Don K. Preston (D. Div.)
President and Founder – Preterist Research Institute
Ardmore, Ok. 73401


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