In this weeks lesson we explore the parable of “the labourers in the vineyard” (Mathew 20:1-16), which I have entitled, “Leadership is Last in the Kingdom of Heaven”. In this parable, Jesus was correcting his apostles ideas concerning their roles in the kingdom. Although they had been placed in positions of honour and authority , they were to use their position to serve rather than to enslave. In contrast to the kingdom of Rome who governed with the “spirit of the sword” and lorded authority over its people, the kingdom heaven would be governed by a “spirit of servitude” and an equality among its citizens. Those who were first (the apostles) must become last (servants of all), so that those who were last (the Gentiles) might become first (be recognized as equals and honoured in the kingdom). Just like Jesus, the apostles were not sent to be served, but to serve, and to give their life a ransom for many.
The Parables of Jesus #14 Leadership is Last in the Kingdom of Heaven