In this short article we prove beyond any doubt that Jesus’ first century end of the age coming (Parousia) in glory with his angels in the judgment of Jerusalem in AD70, was the same coming of the Son of Man in universal judgment to establish His kingdom as the inheritance of His people in Matthew 25:31-34. As we shall show, if Matthew 16:27-28 and Matthew 24:30-31 have been fulfilled through first century events, then so has Matthew 25:31-34.
Then He will Sit on His Glorious Throne
Let us begin by stating some truths as we se them. Matthew 16:27-28 and Matthew 24:30-31 are in fact “second coming” prophecies that identify when Christ would sit on His glorious throne in His Kingdom, in fulfilment of Matthew 25:31-34. Matthew 16:27-28 and 24:30-31 can in no way find fulfillment through either Christ’s transfiguration or ascension events. All 3 passages are parallel, and therefore to identify the time of fulfillment of one, is to identify the time of fulfillment for all.
In the passage below, notice the words “when” and “then”. In this context, “then” is a “time-limiting word” which identifies “when” or at what time and under what circumstances Christ would return to sit on His glorious throne.
Matthew 25:31
“But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne”.
The first thing we must see in this passage is that the coming of Christ to sit on His throne takes place at the time that He comes in glory, with His angels. That is literally what the passage says; “when the Son of Man comes in glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne”. So, if we can determine when Christ comes in His glory accompanied by angels, we will also determine when Christ returns to sit and reign from His throne of glory in Matthew 25:31-34. There are two primary parallel passages which clearly teach when the Son of Man would come in this manner. Jesus himself taught that this coming (Parousia) in glory with His angels was to occur within the lifetime of some of his first century contemporaries.
Matthew 16:27-28
“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
Matthew 24:30-31,34
“…. and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect… Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
So, this much is clear from scripture:
- The coming of Christ in glory with his angels (Matthew 16:27 and Matthew 24:30-31) occurred in the lifetime of some of Jesus’ contemporary generation (16:28 and 24:34).
- The coming of Christ in this manner was when He would “sit on His glorious throne” (Matthew 25:31)
- Therefore, Christ sat on His glorious throne (Matthew 25:31) when he came in glory with His angels (16:27, 24:30-31, 25:31) in the lifetime of some of His first disciples (16:28, 24:34).
What’s interesting is, Matthew 25:31-34 is widely accepted within all circles of Christianity as a “second coming passage” (cp. Matthew 19:28), that is, a prophecy concerning the eschatological return of Christ to execute universal judgment and establish/consummate His kingdom. But, based on what we have shown, this means that Christ’s coming in glory with His angels (24:30-31) in the lifetime of some of His first disciples (16:28, 24:34), was his eschatological “second coming” to execute judgment and consummate His Kingdom in fulfilment of Matthew 25:31-34.
The following chart powerfully demonstrates that all 3 passages are in fact parallel and prophecy the same great event – the eschatological [second] coming (Parousia) of Christ in all His glory with all his angles, to execute judgment and establish/consummate His Kingdom. And, that this coming occurred within the lifetime of Jesus’ contemporary generation.
Matthew 25:31-34,46 | Matthew 24:30-31 | Matthew 16:27-28 |
Coming of the Son of Man (25:31) | Coming of the Son of Man (24:30) | Coming of the Son of Man (16:27) |
In His glory (25:31) | With great glory (24:30) | In the glory of His Father (16:27) |
All the angels with Him (25:31) | Will send forth his angels (24:31) | With His angels (16:27) |
Arrival of the Kingdom of God (25:31,34) | Arrival of the Kingdom of God (24:33 – see Luke 21:31) | Arrival of the Kingdom of God (16:28) |
Fulfilled at the coming of the Son of Man (25:31) | Fulfilled in Jesus’ generation (24:34) | Fulfilled in the lifetime of some of Jesus’ contemporaries (16:28) |
So, what we have seen so far is this:
- The coming of the Son of Man in Matthew 16:27-28 and 24:30-31 is the same coming of the Son of Man event of Matthew 25:31-34; where Christ comes to execute universal judgment and consummate His kingdom, His “second coming”. All three passages are therefore parallel.
- Matthew 16:27-28 and 24:30-31 can in no way and under no circumstance find fulfillment through either Jesus’ transfiguration or ascension events. Matthew 16:27-28 and 24:30-31 are parallel passages to Matthew 25:31-34 and therefore must find fulfillment at the time of universal judgment and consummation of Christ’s kingdom.
- The second coming of Christ must have been fulfilled in the first century generation, just as Jesus prophesied. Since Matthew 16:27-28, 24:30-31 and 25:31-34 are all parallel passages concerning the coming of the Son of Man, and, since Matthew 16:27-28 and 24:30-31 were fulfilled in the first century through the AD70 judgment of Jerusalem at the end of the Jewish age (24:3,34); this means the fulfillment of Matthew 25:31-34 occurred the exact same time, through the exact same events. After all, isn’t that what Jesus said? “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne”.
Therefore, Jesus’ first century end of the age coming (Parousia) in glory with his angels in the judgment of Jerusalem in AD70, was the same coming of the Son of Man in universal judgment to establish His kingdom as the inheritance of His people in Matthew 25:31-34. If Matthew 16:27-28 and Matthew 24:30-31 have been fulfilled, then so has Matthew 25:31-34.